Photo “Friday”

Between a conference this weekend and a lot of business that did and didn’t get done, no chance of a recipe today. Instead, here are a few food-related shots I’ve taken recently. It’s not Friday (why isn’t it Friday?), but enjoy nonetheless!

Lemons and lavender.


My favorite old napkins, ready to do their job one more time.


Best shaped (and tallest, and fluffiest) sourdough loaves to date.



Rain check + Photo… Monday?

I haven’t been the most reliable of posters lately, I know, but it is “that time of the term.” Next week there’s a long weekend, which I’m using to do a little recipe developing. Till then, as a consolation prize, here are a few non-recipe related photos I’ve played with and liked the looks of. Enjoy, and have a lovely week!

2016-food-blog-march-0530Lots ‘o lemons

2016-photo-fridaysLoved the mix of browns and the uneven curve of the bowls in my cabinet.

2016-photo-fridays-2Playing with depth of field.

2016-photo-fridays-0268Strange layers and crevices of a brainy head of cauliflower.


Photo… Monday?

I ran out of time for new recipes this week,* the result of a stack of writing assignments from each of my four classes sitting on my desk in varying heights and stages of completion, and with the inevitable promise of more to come. So instead, here are a couple of recent shots to keep you entertained…

See you next week.

2016 Food Blog February-0366 2016 Photo Fridays-0268


* if you’re looking at that latest Instagram photo and calling me a liar, then okay, you caught me. But that’s for Twelve Loaves, so you’ll have to hold out for next week. And trust me, it’s a good one.